All about Case Assessment Conferences

What is a Case Assessment Conference?

A Case Assessment Conference is a conference that is conducted by a Family Consultant for parenting matters. Usually, parties are ordered to attend a Case Assessment Conference at their first return hearing. 

When will i go to a case assessment conference?

What is a Family Consultant?

A Family Consultant is a psychologist or social worker who specialises in child and family issues who is employed by the Court to assist by providing recommendations. 

What is the purpose of the Case Assessment Conference?

The main purpose is for the Family Consultant to undertake an initial assessment of risk in the matter so that they may prepare a report for the Court summarising the issues and provide recommendations. The Family Consultant will assess current and potential risks of family violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, and parenting capacity of each party. This conference will also provide an opportunity for negotiation between the parties and clarifying the issues in dispute. 

How long does the conference take?

Each conference is scheduled for two hours. It may end early if the process reaches a conclusion or stalemate. 

Are my discussions with the Family Consultant confidential?

No. Everything you say to the Family Consultant is admissible in Court and is not confidential. 

What do I do in the lead up to the Case Assessment Conference?

You will need to comply with the other orders made at the first return hearing and exchange any relevant documents with the other party. You should have in your mind the options to resolve your dispute, the impact of the dispute on the child/children, and your child/children’s best interests. 

What should I bring with me to the Conference?

The Family Consultant will already have all documents that each party has filed, so you do not need to bring anything to the conference. 

Will I have to talk to the other side?

The Family Consultant will speak to both parties individually and only bring you together in the room if they consider it appropriate in the circumstances.

What should I wear to the Conference?

You should dress in a way that is comfortable but remember that you will be meeting with a professional who is providing a report to the Court about your matter.

Who will be at the Case Assessment Conference?

Both you and the other side are required to attend the Case Assessment Conference. If you have a lawyer, they will attend with you. 

What happens next?

The Family Consultant might recommend another conference, possibly including the child/children depending on their maturity.

The Family Consultant will not make a decision but will provide a report to the Court summarising the conference and present recommendations to the Court, such as treatment programs, family therapy, or supervised time.


The Magistrate may then make orders that reflect what (if anything) was agreed and orders about what will be best in the case moving forward. 

What happens with the report produced by the Family Consultant?

After the report is prepared, both parties (or their lawyers, if they have them) will be provided with a copy of the report. The report will also be filed with the Court for the Judicial Officer to consider before your next Court event. This report should not be shown to anyone other than the parties in the matter (and their lawyers) without the Court’s permission. 

Where will the conference be held?

The Case Assessment Conference will be held at the Family Court building at 150 Terrace Road, Perth WA 6000.

Check out this video from the family Court of WA about case assessment conferences

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