Recovering from Abusive Behaviour

When you have behaved in a way that you regret, you will feel fear, shame, anger and blame. It is so important not to let those difficult feelings control what you do next. 

Reflection before action

When you have behaved in a way you regret, it can be really easy for the emotions to get the best of you, and to feel like you need to do something straight away to fix things, either by reaching out to the person you hurt, or by blaming them or someone else for what has happened. This can be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons, especially if there are criminal charges or restraining orders involved. It’s important to take time to reflect on what has happened and talk about it with professionals before deciding what to do next. 

Refocus on Relationships

Often after a separation where there has been domestic abuse, you will need to go through at least one legal process to work out how to separate fully from your partner.

It’s really easy to fight back when it feels like someone is using all the systems available to  keep you away from everything that is important to you. With us, our focus is not on winning the fight (because that usually results in broken relationships and damaged children) but on developing a pathway that can re-establish relationships, not entrench conflict.

Road to Recovery

If you are ready to move forward and committed to living without using violence and control, you will find a way to rebuild relationships, rather than bringing conflict in to the new life ahead of you. We can help you get there. 

Good co-parenting and meaningful time with your children is possible. 

Need to Get Started?

Call for a free discussion about how we can help you get back on track.