what is Illuminate Law?
Illuminate Law is your guiding light to Family Law in WA. We aim to provide services that:
Meet Your Needs
We offer tailored services at tailored prices. When you engage us you get an individually tailored action plan and cost proposal.
Clear your Path
We give information, guidance and advice that will light the way to a resolution of your case.
Keep you on Track
Our advice is focussed on making sure you keep the bigger picture in mind, not in sweating the small stuff.
Who is illuminate Law?

Who I am
Illuminate Law is run by me, Sarah Jones. I'm a mum of two, and I started Illuminate Law to bring valuable services to people going through a family law dispute - to do something that will help change the outcomes for separated people, and do it for people who might not otherwise afford lawyers. When you work with Illuminate Law, you work directly with me. I'm in a great position to be your guide to the world of family law because:
- I have been doing nothing but helping families in these situations for the last 10 years;
- I have worked inside the Family Court and can tell you how it works from the other side of the judge's bench;
- I have been teaching and guiding people for many years - as a former lecturer at the University of Notre Dame in core legal subjects, a salsa dance teacher, and now a lecturer in Family Law one day per week;
- I love what I do. People always say, when you tell them you are a family lawyer, "that must be hard!", and they're not wrong - but there is a privilege in being let in to someone's life at one of their most difficult times and being able to shine a light in the darkness. I don't take that for granted.

What I've learned
University of Notre Dame - Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - 2009
University of Notre Dame - Bachelor of Arts - 2009
College of Law - Practical Legal Training 2010

Where I've Worked
Associate Lecturer at University of Notre Dame (2010-2012)
Legal Associate to Justice Crisford at Family Court of WA (2012)
Solicitor, Associate, Senior Associate at O'Sullivan Davies Lawyers (2013-2019)
Sessional Lecturer, University of Notre Dame (2019 - now )
Illuminate Law (2019 - now)

What I'm Involved in
Women Lawyers of WA
Family Law Section (Law Council of Australia)
Law Society of WA
Family Law Practitioners Association of WA
Law Access Pro Bono
Legal Aid Family Law Panel